Finalizing your Financial Aid

After reviewing your financial aid package, 剩下要做的就是通过接受或拒绝你这一年的经济援助来最终确定你的录取. 所有联邦和州的拨款都会自动以你的名义被接受. However, any loans offered, will require your decision or action. 报告你获得的任何外部奖学金也很重要.

While there is no official deadline for finalizing financial aid, 请记住,在你的学生账单最终确定之前,没有任何援助将适用于你的学生账单. 学生经济援助和奖学金(SFA)建议你不迟于7月1日或学期开始前六周完成所有援助要求. 查看下面,看看不同类型的经济援助需要什么.

SFA自动代表学生接受联邦学生贷款, however the first time a student borrows a federal loan, 他们将需要完成贷款协议(MPN)和入学咨询. 在这两项都完成之前,贷款不会用于学生的账单. 一旦贷款协议(MPN)和入学咨询已经完成, the loans will show as anticipated aid on the student's bill. Student's can get started by visiting www.studentaid.政府请注意,学生帐户中列出的贷款金额是最高限额. 学校鼓励学生只借支付账单所需的钱. All loan amounts can be cancelled or lowered by contacting SFA.

入学咨询过程确保学生充分了解他们在接受贷款时将承担的权利和责任. 贷款协议(MPN)将作为学生通过直接贷款计划借款和承诺偿还贷款的授权.

贷款协议(MPN)可用于联邦学生贷款长达10学年. 一份贷款协议(MPN)将用于您在BGSU的所有联邦学生贷款. 例如, 如果你作为一名大一新生入学,并在所有学习年的直接贷款计划下借款, you are able to borrow under this MPN for all years.

受抚养本科生的父母可以申请联邦直接PLUS贷款,以帮助填补学生援助申请后的缺口. 家长能够借款的最高金额将由SFA决定,但不能超过学生当年的COA. 家长们被鼓励只借支付学生账单所需的钱. If a parent would like to borrow a Parent PLUS Loan, they are required to apply for the loan using the steps below. The loan amount can be adjusted by the parent contacting SFA.

  1. Start by logging into
  2. Next, click on the "Parent" tab > “应用 for a Parent PLUS Loan” > Log in to start
  3. 信贷一经批准, 家长需要填写家长PLUS贷款的主本票(MPN).

If the parent's credit is denied, the parent has several options: add an endorser, pursue a credit override, do not pursue a PLUS loan, 和决定. 如果父母选择通过添加背书人或追求信用覆盖来追求PLUS贷款, SFA will add the PLUS Loan to the student’s financial aid package. 如果家长选择不追求家长PLUS贷款或尚未决定, SFA将自动为学生提供额外的无补贴学生贷款. 额外的无补贴学生贷款将在学生的经济援助中提供,并要求学生在其MyBGSU接受贷款,然后才能进行处理.

  • 要接受额外的直接无资助学生贷款,学生将登录他们的 MyBGSU > Student Center > Financial Aid > Select current aid year > Accept/下降 > Edit and use drop down to Accept, 下降, 或减少. Call the SFA office with any issues.

博天堂官方网站生除了直接无补贴贷款外,还可以申请博天堂官方网站生PLUS贷款,以帮助弥补就读费用的缺口. 要申请,学生需要通过访问完成博天堂官方网站生PLUS贷款申请 Begin by clicking on the "In School" tab > "应用 for a PLUS Loan for 博天堂官方网站生 School"

Once the student's credit is approved, 学生需要完成博天堂官方网站生/专业贷款入学咨询和PLUS主本票(MPN)。. Once the MPN and Entrance Counseling have been completed, the loans will show as anticipated aid on the student's bill. 


如果你想申请私人学生贷款,请遵循以下步骤. 学校鼓励学生只借支付账单所需的钱. 
  • 博天堂官方网站 your 私人贷款 options. 审查 私人贷款 information and search online lenders.
  • Complete a loan application with your lender. Most lenders have applications available on their website.
  • Once credit is approved, contact your lender for the next steps.
  • Once SFA has received a certification request from the lender, 学生将被要求填写一份私人贷款问卷 MyBGSU > Student Center > Action Items > To-Do list. 

SFA将通过电子邮件通知学生,他们的待办事项列表中有访问问卷的链接. After the questionnaire is completed, 证明将被发送给贷款人,私人贷款将在学生的财务援助中查看 MyBGSU.

*请注意,处理私人贷款申请的时间通常至少需要4周. 尽早申请,这样资金就能在账单到期日及时到位. 每笔私人贷款的信用检查有效期仅为30至180天,具体取决于您选择的贷方. 请与您的贷款机构核实并提交适当的申请.

If a student chooses to participate in 联邦工作博天堂官方网站, they will need to accept their Work Study offer in their MyBGSU.

有兴趣通过在当地小学做家教来赚取勤工俭学基金的学生,请看 美国读.

Once the student is enrolled in classes, they will be able to access Handshake, BGSU’s online job and internship database. To find a Work Study job, search through 招聘信息 and contact listed employers for the application process.


  1. 向BGSU提交颁发奖学金的组织/基金会的文件, 必须包含学生的全名和奖学金金额. Please be sure to include Student’s ID number.
  2. 字母可以是 上传 在线到国家林业局.
  3. Don’t forget to give your donor the 粘液囊地址 寄纸质支票.

Completing Federal Student Loan Entrance Counseling

Completing Student Loan Master Promissory Note (MPN)

Updated: 09/27/2023 04:48PM